Monday, January 12, 2009

Morgan Was Here!

This will be Morgan's personal blog. It is being started as a tool for recording my experiences during my first missions trip to Haiti.


  1. Cool Morgan! I'm looking forward to reading details about your trip and what God is doing in you! Love ya, Marilyn

  2. I am blessed to walk along side you during this journey. It will be a blast! Love you, Eileen

  3. Morgan, Bob, Eileen, Terry and Mike; I can't tell you how I wish I was with you guys. All day long I have been trying to picture you on that small plane looking down over the blue ocean and periodic islands, the approach and landing and your passing thru "the airport" into the world of Cap Haitien -- where and what you might be doing at that moment. I pray for your safe travels and life changing experiences. I will anxiously look for updates to your blog. Please pass along a big hug from me to Meg and Wilbert. Blessings to all! Kent Witt
