Tuesday, January 20, 2009

:D:D:D:D:D:D!!!!!!!!!!!! Excited

Ok, so as requested by Dan Gildner I am writing on my blog before I leave for Haiti to let you all know how I fell right now. I have to say I am very,very,very,very,very excited to be going and I leave in 2 days(Thursday) so tomorrow(Wednesday) will probably be the longest day of my life. The Hixes are coming to pick my dad and I up to go to the airport around 6am Thursday morning, and I will try to write that morning...that is if I get up early enough... :D. Ok, so if everything goes well I guess we'll be landing in FT. Lauderdale, Florida around 2pm on Thursday. We will be staying in a hotel in Ft. Lauderdale that night and I'll try to write as much as possible that day so just keep checking back. Friday morning around 4am we are taking a cab to Miami, Florida, which is about a 20 min. drive and we will be flying out of Miami around 4:30 am. I have no idea what time we are supposed to land in Haiti but I hope it doesnt take to long because I will be way too excited at that point and according to the others, there are no bathrooms on the plane. I will try to update every day while I'm there, though I dont know how much computer access I will have. We will be there until Friday that next week but I dont think it will be long enough...so if Mrs. Eileen comes back with a couple Haitian kids in my seat on the plane, dont be alarmed. Well, I'm gonna go grab something to eat, but there, Dan, is your answer...Im am SO VERY VERY VERY VERY EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:D morgan :D