Thursday, January 29, 2009

Jan.29th-last day in Haiti

Today is my last day in Haiti, but here is yesterday's journal!
"I haven't written the past few days because my wrist hurts badly, but I decided to try again tonight after taking some Aleve. Today we went to Fose Cap Wa. There is a school and a church there. The men worked on haning up doors, while we women got to color and share "oobleck" with the kindergarteners. There was one little boy that was my favorite because he smiled alot, named Julien. We also shred Jolly-Ranchers with them, which they loved. I met some of the older kids also, who were surprised to know that I was only 14. After school, which ends around noon, we went to the Tourists Market. It was alot of fun and I bought a few things for friends. The people are very friendly and try very hard to get you to buy anything of their's. When we came home, we found a group from Texas/Missouri here. They are very friendly and we barely noticed them. I had a sip of coffee, just to see what it tasted like, and I don't believe I will ever be a coffee drinker. I have to go to bed now, got a long day at the beach tomorrow!"

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