Saturday, January 24, 2009

Jan. 23-Finally Here!!!

I’m sorry that I am a day behind in my blogging, but I’m finding that there just aren’t enough hours in the day for me to do everything that I want to. I’m guessing that mostly my blog’s will be what I wrote in my journal the night before.
Here’s last night’s journal!
“We’re finally here! WE woke up this morning at about 3:30, which was early because I didn’t get to sleep until midnight or later. So, after I drug myself out of bed and got dressed, our group went over to the airport in Ft. Lauderdale. Once we got there, we found out we didn’t need to drive to the Miami airport, which was what we had planned on doing, so we were 2 hours early. The plane trip to Haiti was awesome! WE flew above the clouds and got to see the sunrise from up there. We saw all of the island of Cuba at one time, which was pretty to see from up so high. I liked coming down from all of the clouds also. My favorite part was when Haiti came into view. We landed quickly, not flying into the west, like normal. When we got to the airport, it was small, about the size of our one-story house in Sidney. I learned that people will just take your luggage, put it in your van, and then expect you to pay them. They also walk randomly through that streets. After we put our stuff at the compound we stayed at, we went through town and into the city Cap Haitien. Among tons of other things along the street, we saw a rapper, a band, a man on stilts, a motorcycle gang, a political debate, and UN sergeants. Apparently they are “electing” a new senator here in Haiti. They finally Paved a street here the Haitians call “the highway”, which reaches all the way to the Dominican Republic. I have been studying Creole for a little bit, so I know enough to pick out a few words in conversation, and I ws surprised to know that I could tell what one sign in a store said! “We do not except credit” “Nou pa tan’n kredit””
I would also like to tell you a little about something we did today(Jan. 24)! We went to Pastor Claye’s house because he had a new baby! She is 7 months old and so very chubby, which is rare here! I will try to put some pictures of her on my blog later.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe it, they paved a road. God is working slowly but surely. God is good.
