Thursday, January 22, 2009

And, They're Off!

(Kendra here) The Haiti group is officially on its way, leaving our house with everyone at 6:10 this morning. I'll admit, I had tears in my eyes watching the Hix's van pull away. But God has his hand on them today, and I know he will return two very changed hearts to me.

Heavenly Father,

I ask for your blessing today and this next week over this team. Please extend travel mercies to them, keeping them safe from ill-doers and malfunctions. Create in them a spirit of love for our neighbors, and light a fire in them for the work you have designed for each one. Bless each and every heart involved, Haitian and American. I pray that through this team's work, you will be glorified to no end, and your presence will be felt.

In the name of our most precious Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ,


1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful prayer, Kendra! Haiti team, we are in the prayer circle with you!! I'm sure your hearts are full and expectant. I pray for eyes to see, ears to hear, and hearts that understand, so that you can see the countless ways God reveals Himself to you in this trip. What a great opportunity to have a tight-knit group, daughter and daddy. Morgan, you are in great hands as you bond with Miss Eileen, your dad, and have these well seasoned Haiti travelers. I'm so excited for you!! Blessings, blessings, blessings...
