Friday, January 23, 2009

January 22nd-flights gallore!!!

I'm sorry that I'm posting this a day late, but yesterday was very hectic with plane rides and hotel situations...I didnt get to sleep until midnight anyways and we had to get up at 3:15. I tried to type it yesterday using Mrs. Eileen's phone, but it wasnt connecting to the page right for some reason :( So anyways, here's my journal entry from last night!
"Today was a day filled with flying! I woke up at 4:45 and got breakfast and packed a few last-minute things. We left the house, at about 6:15, for the Dayton International Airport. We were at the Kiosk desk for about 15 minutes because the lady that was helping us needed to check multiple of my dad's i.d.s because his name is too common and he needed to, "change his name so it wasnt so hard for her next time!" Our flight to Atlanta, Georgia was supposed to take about 1 hour and 40 minutes, but we landed 17 minutes early. Before our flight took-off Terry got in trouble by one of the flight attendants because he didnt turn his ipod off when they asked him to. The even funnier thing was there were 4 boys across the aisle from him that were about 5-9 years old and they didnt get in trouble at all. We all ate lunch at the Atlanta airport, but my favorite part was the train that carried us from concourse to concourse. We were there for about 2 hours, then we left for Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. On the flight to Florida I sat by a little buy who was 3 years old and he was really cute. When we got to Florida, we got our bags, then went outside to wait for our shuttle to come and take us to our hotel, the Sheraton. We got settled into our rooms, then walked to the Bass Pro. Shop, which was about a 15-20 minute walk from our hotel. We got some sunglasses and other things and also looked at the fish they had on display there. Terry and Dad were really mean to Mrs. Eileen thought, because she found this really cute deer suit there for a 0-3 month old and Dad and Terry said it would, "be a little hard to shoot at, but if you had a steady arm, you might be able to get it." After that we alked back to the hotel and now we are just trying to stay up as late as possible so that we can sleep on the airplane to Haiti tomorrow."
Well, that's all I can write today, because Meg has to close up the office, but I will try to write about what happened today, tomorrow.
:d morgan :d


  1. I see that Dad and Terry are staying in character! I'm so thankful your trip down was a good one. I can't wait to hear about your first impression of Haiti!

    Love you, sweetie!

  2. This is awesome Morgan! Can't wait to hear more. You and Eileen keep the guys in line! That'll be the most difficult part of the trip.
