Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Jan.26th-answering comments

I didn't write in my journal last night becasue my wrist is hurting extremely bad and I was very tired. I decided that I was just going to answer any questions that were asked on my comments since I've been here. I can't tell you guys how much I like hearing from you. It reminds me of all of you back at home. The first question, which was asked a couple of times, was if I could say hi to Meg and Wilbur. Everytime I read a comment when someone has asked that, Ilean over to Meg and tell her. She says hi to all of you also. Question number 2, How are the older travelers holding up. They are doing fine, except we have established that I am the most mature one in the group, therefore I am the leader on this trip. Most nights we are all laughing so hard, we almost pee ourselves, which in itself is hilarious. The third thing I have heard alot is, "Try to keep the guys in line". Those of you that made that request may not know how hard that it actually is, but I am trying my best. I also thought you should know that I am posting more pictures on my facebook for anyone who wants to see them!

:d morgan :d


  1. Can you most something to answer this question, "What kind of tarantula will Mike be bringing back?"

    Morgan, where have you seen Jesus?

    Love all your stuff!

  2. Alinbik lavalas? (your dad can correct my Creole) Has Eileen taken any donkey rides lately? I tried to look at your pics but I must be doing something wrong. I don't have a facebook account. Have you been able to sleep at night? Did you know before your trip that roosters crow at all hours and not just at sunrise? How about the chants of the witch doctors -- have you heard them? Keep blogging as we all enjoy hearing of your experiences. I am sure you heard we are getting a big snow storm of up to 8"-10" by Wed evening. Enjoy the warm temps.

  3. Hi Morgan, Aren't Meg and Wilbert just the greatest? I miss not being able to talk with them. What is the project this year? Two years ago it was building a kitchen at the school at Pister, and last year it was concrete floor in the church at Fosse Capois. I have a facebook account and I can find your page, but where do I find the pictures?

  4. Yes, Morgan, I want to know how you're experiencing and showing the Love of Jesus, too!

    I heard you were worried there would not be any snow left when you got back. Ahem. No need to worry. It's up to the top of the tires on the car!

    Grandma Kathy asked about you ... remind me to tell you her response to the "slaves" comment.

    Can't wait to hear what you're working on down there!

    Love, Mom
