Thursday, January 29, 2009

more answers to more comments!

1. What kind of tarantula will mike bring home?
  • I have know Idea, but we saw a HUGE one today!

2. Where have you seen Jesus?

  • I have seen Jesus everywhere I look, especially in the faces of all of the little lids that we have been able to work with!

3. Has Eileen been on a donkey ride

  • We actually did not ride any donkeys this time, though we did see a whole bunch.

4. Have you been sleeping well?

  • Yes, I have slept like a baby all night every night.

5. Have you noticed that roosters dont only crow at dawn?

  • Yes, I have realized that roosters crow randomly when they feel like it, even if your trying to take a nap...

6. Have you heard any witchdoctors chanting?

  • No, I have not heard any chants, but my dad thinks we saw a witch-doctor's house today on our way to the beach.

7. Did you hear we are getting a foot of snow?

  • Yes, Mike and Terry let me know how much snow is falling, when schools get delayed, and when schools get cancelled.

8. What is the project for this year?

  • Wehave had many. The mens main project was to sand, paint, and hang doors on the church in Fose Cap Wa. The women's was to work with kindergarteners. Also, the kids from Sidney First raised 300 dollars by collecting pop cans, so we put that towards fans that are going in the schools!

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