Monday, January 26, 2009

January 25th-Church

"Today is Sunday, so we went to church. I'm not exactly cure where it was, but it was about a 30 min. drive. We got there a little late and when we walked in, everyone watched us. We couldn't understand much, except when Mike preached and Wilber translated.We also sang the song, "Amazing Grace, My Chains Are Gone".After church , all of the kids, and some adults, ran up to us to give us a hug. They were fascinated by our cameras and loved taking pictures. We also passed out suckers to them. After church, we went out to eat at a very nice resteraunt/hotel. I got chicken in garlic sauce, french fries, and some terro roots. We went back home to the compound and I took a nap. My daad woke me up and asked if I wanted to throw the softball, and I was surprised at how sweaty I got in just 5 min. Pretty much the rest of the night, we just lounged and snacked, because the cooks had Sunday off, so there was no supper."
I realize my journals are getting shorter and shorter every day. I guess I'm just getting more tired and falling asleep alot quicker!

:d morgan :d


  1. Hey Morgan!

    Great stuff! So good to read your observations. I liked church in Haiti as well. Very cool stuff. Say Hey to Meg and Wilbert for me and give your dad and Terry big hugs and kisses from me.

    Lots of love to all,

    Todd R.

  2. Hey, sweetie! Now the real work begins ...

    An update from here - I caught two stringfish (one on the ds, one on the wii), I upgraded the ds to Nookington's, and I upgraded my house on the wii to get my upstairs! Good stuff!

    2-hour delay here - we're supposed to get a huge winter storm in two waves. The first wave came overnight, with maybe an inch of snow. But the second wave is supposed to bring much more. Enjoy *throwing the softball* (said with a sarcastic whine!) - none of that when you get home!

    Love you bunches, and we're all praying for your safety and experience while you're there!

    Love, Mom
