Sunday, January 25, 2009

Jan. 24-Baby

Jan. 24th's journal!!!
"Today has been my favorite day so far! We have 2 men from Puerto Rico staying at the compound also and they taught me how to say "Good Morning" in Spanish, "Buenos Dias". Well, anyways, today Meg took us to the market. It was crowded there and she only took 2 of us at a time because she didn't want to make a scene. She said, when my dad and I went, that people kept saying how pretty I was and they all liked me, but a few of them said things like, "What are they doing here?", "White Trash", and they wanted to know "why our servants didnt do the dirty work like that."We bought peanuts there, which were much better than the U.S.'s. We also went to Pastor Claye's house. Madame Claye had a litttle girl about 7 months ago and she is sooooooo cute and chubby, which is not common for a baby in Haiti. Pastor Claye's little sister was there too, and she only looked about 7. I liked her, and when we were leaving, she touched my hand, just for a second, like she wanted to know if it felt the same as her's. AS soon as I turned though, she let go.
We ate kunch at one of Meg's friend's houses and then went back to the compound. We pretty much just rested after that.
Right now it's raining so hard I can't hear myself think. Wilber said it's been raining like this for 5 days and it's supposed to keep up until Thursday. Oh, boy!!!

:d morgan :d


  1. Awesome Stuff Morgan. Keep posting.

  2. This is Paul Workman

    Say hi to Meg and Wilbur. It is so nice to see your first impressions of the many things that I have experienced in Haiti. We continually pray for your mission team.

  3. The old saying "When it rains it pours" seems to fit Haiti. I am sure your dad has told you of our adventures in the rain from two years ago going up to Pistere. I really enjoy reading your postings. I can relate to your experience of Pastor Claye's daughter touching you -- I remember how the children at Fosse Capois kept touching the hair on my arm and head as it was so much different than they were used to -- and just laughing. Their laughter and smiles were so genuine! How are the older travellers holding up (i.e Eileen, Terry, Bob and Mike)? May God continue to bless all of you.
