Thursday, January 29, 2009


Pictures from Haiti

Photobucket Album

more answers to more comments!

1. What kind of tarantula will mike bring home?
  • I have know Idea, but we saw a HUGE one today!

2. Where have you seen Jesus?

  • I have seen Jesus everywhere I look, especially in the faces of all of the little lids that we have been able to work with!

3. Has Eileen been on a donkey ride

  • We actually did not ride any donkeys this time, though we did see a whole bunch.

4. Have you been sleeping well?

  • Yes, I have slept like a baby all night every night.

5. Have you noticed that roosters dont only crow at dawn?

  • Yes, I have realized that roosters crow randomly when they feel like it, even if your trying to take a nap...

6. Have you heard any witchdoctors chanting?

  • No, I have not heard any chants, but my dad thinks we saw a witch-doctor's house today on our way to the beach.

7. Did you hear we are getting a foot of snow?

  • Yes, Mike and Terry let me know how much snow is falling, when schools get delayed, and when schools get cancelled.

8. What is the project for this year?

  • Wehave had many. The mens main project was to sand, paint, and hang doors on the church in Fose Cap Wa. The women's was to work with kindergarteners. Also, the kids from Sidney First raised 300 dollars by collecting pop cans, so we put that towards fans that are going in the schools!

Jan.29th-last day in Haiti

Today is my last day in Haiti, but here is yesterday's journal!
"I haven't written the past few days because my wrist hurts badly, but I decided to try again tonight after taking some Aleve. Today we went to Fose Cap Wa. There is a school and a church there. The men worked on haning up doors, while we women got to color and share "oobleck" with the kindergarteners. There was one little boy that was my favorite because he smiled alot, named Julien. We also shred Jolly-Ranchers with them, which they loved. I met some of the older kids also, who were surprised to know that I was only 14. After school, which ends around noon, we went to the Tourists Market. It was alot of fun and I bought a few things for friends. The people are very friendly and try very hard to get you to buy anything of their's. When we came home, we found a group from Texas/Missouri here. They are very friendly and we barely noticed them. I had a sip of coffee, just to see what it tasted like, and I don't believe I will ever be a coffee drinker. I have to go to bed now, got a long day at the beach tomorrow!"

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I finally figured out how to put pictures on my blog thanks to Mike!!!!! YAY! I will post alot of my enjoy!

morgan :d


Here is a link to my pictures, but you have to have a facebook account to see them. I am going to ask Mike how he got pictures on his blog for all of you who dont have a facebook, I will post my favorites!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Jan.26th-answering comments

I didn't write in my journal last night becasue my wrist is hurting extremely bad and I was very tired. I decided that I was just going to answer any questions that were asked on my comments since I've been here. I can't tell you guys how much I like hearing from you. It reminds me of all of you back at home. The first question, which was asked a couple of times, was if I could say hi to Meg and Wilbur. Everytime I read a comment when someone has asked that, Ilean over to Meg and tell her. She says hi to all of you also. Question number 2, How are the older travelers holding up. They are doing fine, except we have established that I am the most mature one in the group, therefore I am the leader on this trip. Most nights we are all laughing so hard, we almost pee ourselves, which in itself is hilarious. The third thing I have heard alot is, "Try to keep the guys in line". Those of you that made that request may not know how hard that it actually is, but I am trying my best. I also thought you should know that I am posting more pictures on my facebook for anyone who wants to see them!

:d morgan :d

Monday, January 26, 2009

January 25th-Church

"Today is Sunday, so we went to church. I'm not exactly cure where it was, but it was about a 30 min. drive. We got there a little late and when we walked in, everyone watched us. We couldn't understand much, except when Mike preached and Wilber translated.We also sang the song, "Amazing Grace, My Chains Are Gone".After church , all of the kids, and some adults, ran up to us to give us a hug. They were fascinated by our cameras and loved taking pictures. We also passed out suckers to them. After church, we went out to eat at a very nice resteraunt/hotel. I got chicken in garlic sauce, french fries, and some terro roots. We went back home to the compound and I took a nap. My daad woke me up and asked if I wanted to throw the softball, and I was surprised at how sweaty I got in just 5 min. Pretty much the rest of the night, we just lounged and snacked, because the cooks had Sunday off, so there was no supper."
I realize my journals are getting shorter and shorter every day. I guess I'm just getting more tired and falling asleep alot quicker!

:d morgan :d

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Jan. 24-Baby

Jan. 24th's journal!!!
"Today has been my favorite day so far! We have 2 men from Puerto Rico staying at the compound also and they taught me how to say "Good Morning" in Spanish, "Buenos Dias". Well, anyways, today Meg took us to the market. It was crowded there and she only took 2 of us at a time because she didn't want to make a scene. She said, when my dad and I went, that people kept saying how pretty I was and they all liked me, but a few of them said things like, "What are they doing here?", "White Trash", and they wanted to know "why our servants didnt do the dirty work like that."We bought peanuts there, which were much better than the U.S.'s. We also went to Pastor Claye's house. Madame Claye had a litttle girl about 7 months ago and she is sooooooo cute and chubby, which is not common for a baby in Haiti. Pastor Claye's little sister was there too, and she only looked about 7. I liked her, and when we were leaving, she touched my hand, just for a second, like she wanted to know if it felt the same as her's. AS soon as I turned though, she let go.
We ate kunch at one of Meg's friend's houses and then went back to the compound. We pretty much just rested after that.
Right now it's raining so hard I can't hear myself think. Wilber said it's been raining like this for 5 days and it's supposed to keep up until Thursday. Oh, boy!!!

:d morgan :d


I tried to upload pictures onto my blog, but I can only do 1 picture, and it has to be my main picture, so I just uploaded a whole bunch of pictures to my Facebook account. My Facebook is morgans_flowerpower and it's, or if you look under my first and last name, you should also be able to find me! You can either comment me here or on my Facebook, if you have one, I get on it almost everyday!!!
:d morgan :d

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Jan. 23-Finally Here!!!

I’m sorry that I am a day behind in my blogging, but I’m finding that there just aren’t enough hours in the day for me to do everything that I want to. I’m guessing that mostly my blog’s will be what I wrote in my journal the night before.
Here’s last night’s journal!
“We’re finally here! WE woke up this morning at about 3:30, which was early because I didn’t get to sleep until midnight or later. So, after I drug myself out of bed and got dressed, our group went over to the airport in Ft. Lauderdale. Once we got there, we found out we didn’t need to drive to the Miami airport, which was what we had planned on doing, so we were 2 hours early. The plane trip to Haiti was awesome! WE flew above the clouds and got to see the sunrise from up there. We saw all of the island of Cuba at one time, which was pretty to see from up so high. I liked coming down from all of the clouds also. My favorite part was when Haiti came into view. We landed quickly, not flying into the west, like normal. When we got to the airport, it was small, about the size of our one-story house in Sidney. I learned that people will just take your luggage, put it in your van, and then expect you to pay them. They also walk randomly through that streets. After we put our stuff at the compound we stayed at, we went through town and into the city Cap Haitien. Among tons of other things along the street, we saw a rapper, a band, a man on stilts, a motorcycle gang, a political debate, and UN sergeants. Apparently they are “electing” a new senator here in Haiti. They finally Paved a street here the Haitians call “the highway”, which reaches all the way to the Dominican Republic. I have been studying Creole for a little bit, so I know enough to pick out a few words in conversation, and I ws surprised to know that I could tell what one sign in a store said! “We do not except credit” “Nou pa tan’n kredit””
I would also like to tell you a little about something we did today(Jan. 24)! We went to Pastor Claye’s house because he had a new baby! She is 7 months old and so very chubby, which is rare here! I will try to put some pictures of her on my blog later.

Friday, January 23, 2009

January 22nd-flights gallore!!!

I'm sorry that I'm posting this a day late, but yesterday was very hectic with plane rides and hotel situations...I didnt get to sleep until midnight anyways and we had to get up at 3:15. I tried to type it yesterday using Mrs. Eileen's phone, but it wasnt connecting to the page right for some reason :( So anyways, here's my journal entry from last night!
"Today was a day filled with flying! I woke up at 4:45 and got breakfast and packed a few last-minute things. We left the house, at about 6:15, for the Dayton International Airport. We were at the Kiosk desk for about 15 minutes because the lady that was helping us needed to check multiple of my dad's i.d.s because his name is too common and he needed to, "change his name so it wasnt so hard for her next time!" Our flight to Atlanta, Georgia was supposed to take about 1 hour and 40 minutes, but we landed 17 minutes early. Before our flight took-off Terry got in trouble by one of the flight attendants because he didnt turn his ipod off when they asked him to. The even funnier thing was there were 4 boys across the aisle from him that were about 5-9 years old and they didnt get in trouble at all. We all ate lunch at the Atlanta airport, but my favorite part was the train that carried us from concourse to concourse. We were there for about 2 hours, then we left for Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. On the flight to Florida I sat by a little buy who was 3 years old and he was really cute. When we got to Florida, we got our bags, then went outside to wait for our shuttle to come and take us to our hotel, the Sheraton. We got settled into our rooms, then walked to the Bass Pro. Shop, which was about a 15-20 minute walk from our hotel. We got some sunglasses and other things and also looked at the fish they had on display there. Terry and Dad were really mean to Mrs. Eileen thought, because she found this really cute deer suit there for a 0-3 month old and Dad and Terry said it would, "be a little hard to shoot at, but if you had a steady arm, you might be able to get it." After that we alked back to the hotel and now we are just trying to stay up as late as possible so that we can sleep on the airplane to Haiti tomorrow."
Well, that's all I can write today, because Meg has to close up the office, but I will try to write about what happened today, tomorrow.
:d morgan :d


If you want to leave a comment on one of my posts and you HAVE a Google account then just click comments and write your comment. Then, you go to where it says "Select Profile" and click google. It may ask you to sign into your google account though. If you do not have a google account then you can still comment but you have to somehow change the thing to anonymous...? I dont know how that works though so if someone finds out how to do that will you please let me know??? If you have to sign in as anonymous you can still write your name on it, it just won't have your name on the top like the people who have google accounts do.

:d morgan :d

Thursday, January 22, 2009

And, They're Off!

(Kendra here) The Haiti group is officially on its way, leaving our house with everyone at 6:10 this morning. I'll admit, I had tears in my eyes watching the Hix's van pull away. But God has his hand on them today, and I know he will return two very changed hearts to me.

Heavenly Father,

I ask for your blessing today and this next week over this team. Please extend travel mercies to them, keeping them safe from ill-doers and malfunctions. Create in them a spirit of love for our neighbors, and light a fire in them for the work you have designed for each one. Bless each and every heart involved, Haitian and American. I pray that through this team's work, you will be glorified to no end, and your presence will be felt.

In the name of our most precious Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ,


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

:D:D:D:D:D:D!!!!!!!!!!!! Excited

Ok, so as requested by Dan Gildner I am writing on my blog before I leave for Haiti to let you all know how I fell right now. I have to say I am very,very,very,very,very excited to be going and I leave in 2 days(Thursday) so tomorrow(Wednesday) will probably be the longest day of my life. The Hixes are coming to pick my dad and I up to go to the airport around 6am Thursday morning, and I will try to write that morning...that is if I get up early enough... :D. Ok, so if everything goes well I guess we'll be landing in FT. Lauderdale, Florida around 2pm on Thursday. We will be staying in a hotel in Ft. Lauderdale that night and I'll try to write as much as possible that day so just keep checking back. Friday morning around 4am we are taking a cab to Miami, Florida, which is about a 20 min. drive and we will be flying out of Miami around 4:30 am. I have no idea what time we are supposed to land in Haiti but I hope it doesnt take to long because I will be way too excited at that point and according to the others, there are no bathrooms on the plane. I will try to update every day while I'm there, though I dont know how much computer access I will have. We will be there until Friday that next week but I dont think it will be long if Mrs. Eileen comes back with a couple Haitian kids in my seat on the plane, dont be alarmed. Well, I'm gonna go grab something to eat, but there, Dan, is your answer...Im am SO VERY VERY VERY VERY EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:D morgan :D

Monday, January 12, 2009

Morgan Was Here!

This will be Morgan's personal blog. It is being started as a tool for recording my experiences during my first missions trip to Haiti.